Park Gables is an enclave of 10 homes in the tradition of the Bungalow style in a gorgeous setting at the foot of Flagstaff Mountain and Boulder Creek - an easy walk to the West Pearl District and downtown Boulder. Each home features private outdoor spaces and an oversized two-car garage
with ample storage for outdoor gear.
These easy-to-maintain homes include an HOA that manages everything from snow removal and lawn maintenance to exterior window washing and trash removal, making them perfect lock-and-leave homes for those with heavy travel schedules or who live in Boulder only part time.
Prices of these Bungalows start in the $900,000s and go up to $1,425,000; they range in size from 1,621 square feet to 2,529 square feet. The first phase will be ready for move in in winter 2008. For additional information, please contact me!
Park Gables in Boulder
Posted by BoulderRealEstate at 11/11/2008 02:20:00 PM